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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – Notice Of Condolence

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – Notice of Condolence

From all the team here at Arlington Cattery, we would like to offer our deepest condolences to the family of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at this difficult time.

The news has come as a great shock to the Arlington Cattery team, and it has taken us a few days to process things, as we know it has for customers too.

As we move forward in our period of national mourning, we would like to thank Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her service to our country and to the World.

The 70 years of unwavering service and a foundation of solidarity that she brought with her reign may have been lost, but her legacy shall continue in her memory.

Finally, we would like to offer King Charles III our condolences directly. He has already shown an impressive and admirable response to this week’s events, despite grieving the loss of his mother.

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